The standard deviation corresponds to three repetitions of each experiment (n = 3). (DOCX) Click here for additional data file.(29K, docx) S6 TableControl experiments. (1.5M) GUID:?F5759EEA-9276-4242-91F0-345BE44E23F8 S3 Fig: 3D Transwell experiments. Representative images used to quantify cell migration in hydrogels C (a), CM (c) and CM+ (e), and in hydrogels made of Matrigel only with the same concentration as in CM, M (b) and CM+, M+ (d). Snapshots show cell migration in the different hydrogels towards 20% FBS.(TIF) pone.0171417.s003.tif (3.4M) GUID:?418BE8D6-52D1-4017-9569-420C2DEEE639 S4 Fig: Quantification of H1299 cell migration capability in 3D Transwell experiments. Migration fold, relative to M hydrogels of all the described hydrogels, in the presence or absence of serum. The number of replicas of each experiment is usually 8 for 20% FBS experiments and 4 for those without serum. *** indicates very statistically significant difference of Anova One-Way analysis of variances followed by Bonferroni post-hoc test (p 0.005).(TIF) pone.0171417.s004.tif (175K) GUID:?03C57504-1217-45CD-B116-FAACFAC1A807 S5 Fig: Quantification of H1299 cell migration in hydrogels with increasing levels of cross-linking or fibronectin content. A: Serum free. B: 20%FBS. The number of cells analyzed was: TG-6: 176 (A), 178 (B); TG-13: 271 (A), 303 (B); TG-26 250 (A), 231 (B); TG-F10 162 (A), 211 (B); TG-F20 Gusperimus trihydrochloride 164 (A), 135 (B). *** indicates very statistically significant difference of Anova One-Way analysis of variances followed by Bonferroni post-hoc test (p 0.005).(TIF) pone.0171417.s005.tif (78K) GUID:?AE0F3B4B-247C-4959-A8B3-30D6B73B02BC S6 Fig: Morphological characterization of the hydrogels used in the control experiments from confocal images. Average and standard deviation (std) of the morphological measurement obtained from Confocal Reflection Microscopy images. The number of samples used to calculate the Fiber length, Fiber persistence, and Pore size is usually nine (n = 3) since we analyzed three sub-images from each type. * Indicates statistically significant difference of non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test (p 0.05).(TIF) pone.0171417.s006.tif (286K) GUID:?3FE1559A-D34E-43C8-8094-A3784403036F S1 Table: Morphological characterization of the hydrogels from SEM images. Average and standard deviation (std) of the morphological measurement obtained from the SEM Gusperimus trihydrochloride images. The number of samples used to calculate the %Porosity, Fiber diameter and Number of pores and is three (n = 3) since we analyzed three images from each type. The number of samples used to calculate Pore size varied between sample types, since the unit used was the pore. Namely, the n values were n = 1830 (C), n = 1012 (CM) and n = 487 (CM+).(DOCX) pone.0171417.s007.docx ADAMTS9 Gusperimus trihydrochloride (39K) GUID:?2842884E-7965-4FCE-9392-0C5402F74930 S2 Table: Morphological characterization of the hydrogels from confocal images. Average and standard deviation (std) of the morphological measurement obtained from the Confocal Reflection Microscopy images. The number of samples used to calculate the Fiber length, Fiber persistence, and Pore size is usually nine (n = 9) since we analyzed nine sub-images from each type.(DOCX) pone.0171417.s008.docx (36K) GUID:?1CF4042C-682C-4F3F-8804-C991C5A14B03 S3 Table: Migration experiments. Mean and standard error (parenthesis) of accumulated distance (in microns) after 12 hours of migration, and velocity of migration (in microns per hour) in hydrogels C, CM and CM+, with no chemo-attracting material (Control) using serum made up of medium, (20% FBS) or after conjugation with integrin-blocking antibodies (20% FBS + Anti-1, 20% FBS + Anti-3 and 20% FBS + Anti-1+3).(DOCX) pone.0171417.s009.docx (54K) GUID:?A86A1C02-EF43-401F-87B5-6D67DFDA099C S4 Table: Transwell invasion experiments. Mean and standard error (parenthesis) of number of invading cells in C, CM, and CM+, hydrogels, and in hydrogels with Matrigel only at equal concentration as in CM (M, 2mg/ml) and CM+ (M+, 4mg/ml). The number of replicas of each experiment is usually 8 for 20%FBS, and 4 for serum free, Control experiments.(DOCX) pone.0171417.s010.docx Gusperimus trihydrochloride (34K) GUID:?B5928747-2055-4603-B469-EAEB4AA27500 S5 Table: Mechanical characterization of the hydrogels. Average (avg) and standard deviation (std) of the storage (G) and loss (G) moduli, Gusperimus trihydrochloride both in pascal models (Pa) of the control, Matrigel only containing hydrogels. The standard deviation corresponds to three repetitions of each experiment (n = 3).(DOCX) pone.0171417.s011.docx (29K) GUID:?BEC10361-D51A-406E-AC54-0807CB862CBA S6 Table: Control experiments. Mean and standard error (parenthesis) of accumulated distance (in microns) after 12 hours of migration in collagen only hydrogels with increasing crosslinking levels TG6, TG13, and TG26, and with increasing levels of fibronectin TG-F5, TG-F10 and TG-F20, with no chemo-attracting material (Control) and using serum made up of medium, (20% FBS). The numbers are average values obtain in two migration experiments.(DOCX) pone.0171417.s012.docx (38K) GUID:?79811E0A-3767-4700-8FC5-64209E89023F S7.
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